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Are Contactless Cards Safe?

Contactless card payments make transactions faster and easier when shopping in person, in much the same way a digital wallet or stored payment information streamlines shopping online. However, like all forms of payment, contactless cards also come with concerns, the biggest being fraudulent activity. This leads many to wonder whether this payment method is a […]

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How Payment Card Regulations are Transforming the Online Casino Industry

The online casino landscape is undergoing a seismic shift as new payment card regulations reshape how players interact with their favourite platforms. The UK Gambling Commission's ban on credit card use, effective since April 14, 2020, marks a significant regulatory milestone aimed at mitigating gambling-related harm. This article examines the impact of these changes, exploring […]

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Since launch we have been trusted by thousands of SME merchants to reduce their costs through the quotes we have provided. These quotes have demonstrated the millions of pounds each year which could be saved by these merchants through switching card processing suppliers.

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